
Showing posts from September, 2022

Tectonic Plates

 The children were really interested in how the Earth is made up of tectonic plates and the effect they have on the Earth as they move.  The movement of the plates creates three boundaries: convergent, transform and divergent. The movement of the plates causes earthquakes, faults, volcanoes and mountains. The children were really interested in this as well as looking at how the shape of the world has changed; Pangea. 

28.09.22 Collage - Art

Today year 6 have been working on the background of their ‘Tree of Life’ collages. They worked brilliantly in their groups and I am excited to see them progress over the next few weeks.   

French: Celebrating the European Day of Languages: Polish

  Year 6 celebrated the European Day of Languages today during their French lesson. This is an annual event, generally celebrated on the 26th of September.  As we have a variety of languages spoken in our school, a language relevant to a child in each year group was chosen.  Year 6 found out about Poland  and Polish. They counted to 10 in Polish, coloured in the Polish flag, learnt some Polish greetings, identified Poland on a map of Europe and then created a factfile with some interesting facts.

Maths- Multiplication and Division

 LO: I can multiply by 2 digit numbers  LO: I can divide a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number  This week the pupils in Year 6 have been looking at multiplying using the formal method. The pupils have really impressed with their procedural knowledge of how to multiply. As the week went on the children were made to work hard with the numbers used as many of the number would mean they would have to exchange within their place value columns. The children then all worked on their problem solving and reasoning skills within multiplication.  Their last lesson was a flashback session on dividing a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number. The children were able to successfully show their conceptual knowledge about what division is. They then impressed once again by showing their knowledge of the procedural structure of working out division problems. Some of our pupils were also able to describe how if we have a remainder we can write that as a reminder, a fraction and a decimal....

Maths- EEDI

On Wednesday, the pupils in Year 6 looked at EEDI. This was a great lesson as it allowed them to look at all the EEDI updates that have been made.  First of all, the questions are asked in a fun and engaging way: a text message style using emojis.  If a pupil gets a question right they are asked to move on to the next stage, with the answer being explained to them.  If a pupil gets a question wrong, they are given feedback on that question and then asked to have another practice question in order to make sure they fully understand that question.  All the children really enjoyed these updates and it proved to be a really successful experience of EEDI. Homework will be 2 quizzes per week that will test their understand of that week's learning. 

Keeping and Staying Safe - Water Safety

Today we began our 1decision unit in PSHE - Water Safety. This goes well with Year 6 having their swimming lessons this term too.  We shared ideas and what we know about danger - drawing some danger signs that we already know. We discussed why danger signs are often yellow and black or red and white. We then had 4 signs to look at - we talked about where we might find these signs and the impact if the signs were ignored. Some very sensible thoughts and ideas.

Computing - Variables Continued

 In today's lesson, Year 6 have continued to develop their understanding of variables by using Scratch to create their own code. By first modifying some code that was given to us, we were able to identify where the variables had been used, meaning that we could make our own successful projects. There was lots of imagination on show, and we were even able to adapt the code further to personalise the finished program.