In today’s computing lesson, Year 6 continued to make the game that they designed last lesson. We thought carefully about the brief and how we could improve on the original project.
Year 6 have come straight back in and already working on their first piece of writing for this half term. Our learning journey is taking us back to WW1 with Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse. To start our unit of work, children are busy researching how animals were used during the war. They have a range of websites to look through and decide on the information they want to include on their non-chronological reports. They will spend time this week researching and compiling their reports. A positive start!
This week we spent the lesson demonstrating our understanding of our bodies, looking at; our heart, lungs, blood vessels, health and fitness. We used a range of secondary sources to deepen our understanding, as well as finding evidence to support our questions and thinking.
As Year 6 didn’t have their usual swimming lesson this week, we were able to have a music lesson! We took the opportunity to discuss their upcoming Carols by Candlelight service in December, so we listened to and sang a range of songs and carols then the children decided on which ones they would like for the service. We even managed a list of names for readers too. A fun session with some great choices - the service will be held on December 14th (details will follow in due course).
Finishing of our week using DADWAVERS to help creating a range of sentence structures and openers, Year 6 were given a picture to describe in detail to create an atmosphere. It was a bit spooky and some of the writing that was produced captured this well.
Year 6 sang their numbers song and revised school subject vocabulary, time and days of the week. They had a go at reading a timetable and answered questions about when a subject ends and starts on a given day. They then completed a table choosing different subjects and times which they then used to write in a sentence.
On Friday, Year 6 looked at honing their knowledge of division and multiplication facts in a fun way. We played Top Trumps! The Top Trumps were all listed as questions '108 divided by 9'. The children had to work out the answers and see if their answer was higher than their peers. Whoever had the highest card won. This proved to be great fun and all the children really enjoyed their learning (I think they forgot this was maths!)