MUSIC - BBC Ten Pieces

 Year 6 have begun their unit of work for this half term based on the BBC Ten Pieces (music for schools).

They will focus the next few weeks on the composer Ivan Stravinsky (1889-1971) and his piece of music The Firebird (finale) which was written in 1911 as a ballet.

We listened to the music, heard the story of the ballet and watched an animation of a similar story with the music. 

As a side to this, we started the lesson watching the performance of Lucy from the TV program The Piano. Lucy is severely autistic and blind, but her performance was rather incredible! The children were in awe of her playing and in awe of how she learns - making them realise that if there is anything they really want to achieve there is always a way - it may take longer and the journey may look very different to others, but they can still get there if they want to! Just a little bit of inspiration to get them through! 


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