RE Day - Unit: The Empty Cross Concept: Resurrection. Religion: Christianity

 Today was RE Day. 

to start the day, Year 6 had to decide what they thought Resurrection means. We had some thoughtful responses such as: become alive again; bring back from the dead; to reform, relive, revive and reborn, as well as a discussion between the difference of resurrection and reincarnation. 

We then watched a short clip from the film Narnia, when Aslan is resurrected after dying on the stone table. From this, children had to design a symbol to remind the people of Narnia about Aslan overcoming death. 

Following this, children were asked to think about the type of cross Christians would associate more with Resurrection. They then had to draw and explain this in their own words.

Using a clip from The Miracle Maker, we discussed reasons why we think believing in the resurrection is important to Christians. 

Year 6 had some great ideas about what happens after we die and some of the signs that people might believe in (e.g. rainbows, white feathers, robins etc…).  We also had some great discussions about whether  people who believe in an after life might behave differently in their earthly lives. Some very ‘deep’ moments and ideas!


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